The Photographer
Having grown up surrounded by nature and wildlife in Sri Lanka and India, the jungle and its animals have become my passion. Combining my love of wildlife, the desire to travel the world and my love for photography has always been an ambition of mine, and through my images I hope to inspire some of the wander lust and intrigue that I feel when I am out in nature.
Taking a photograph is comparatively easy in today's world of technology and accessibility. I think this is a great thing, as it allows us to enjoy and share moments in a way that puts less hassle between us and our subject, allowing us to live the moment as never before. Making our social moments eternal is also why I now focus on portraiture, especially capturing candid images of my subjects as they enjoy their lives without having to engage with capturing the moments themselves.
I hope my images bring you the same sense of enjoyment I felt when taking them. I always aim to keep my images as unedited as possible to put less between the moment and the viewer, and I hope this puts you right in my shoes.